報告題目: The Digital Grid–The First Step towards Realization of the Internet of Energy
報 告 人: Prof. Rikiya Abe (阿部力也教授)
報告時間: 2015年9月17日, 15:30-17:00
報告地點: bevictor伟德官网西主樓2區203會議室
聯 系 人: 孫宏斌 62783086
Rikiya ABE, Ph.D., was graduated from the Electronics Engineering at the University of Tokyo. He has been working long time as an electric engineer at whole sale power company, J-POWER in Japan. He has been a project professor at the University of Tokyo, Graduate Course of Technology Management for Innovation (TMI), School of Engineering, from 2008. His special fields of interest included renewable energy, energy storage, and smart grid. He developed the Digital Grid concept which represents “Power of Internet”.
He is a Co-Chair of Presidential Endowed Chair of the “Electric Power Network Innovation by Digital Grid”, at the University of Tokyo, starting June 2012.
Academic Background
1977 School of Engineering, the Univ. of Tokyo, B.E. in Electronics Engineering
2001 Graduate School of Engineering, the Univ. of Kyushu, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering