Topic: Molecular Photovoltaics and Perovskite Solar Cells
Speaker : Prof. Michael Graetzel
Time: 15:00-17:00 P.M., 21. 9, 2018
Site: FIT樓二樓多功能廳
Abstract: Molecular photovoltaics has emerged as credible contenders to conventional p-n junction photovoltaics. By now, large-scale DSC production and commercial sales have been launched on the multi-megawatt scale for application in building integrated PV and light-weight flexible power sources. Certified power conversion efficiencies currently attain 23.3 %, exceeding already the performance of polycrystalline silicon solar cells. These photovoltaics show intense electroluminesence and high photovoltages rendering them perovskite-based photosystem very attractive for applications in tandem cells and for the generation of fuels from sunlight. Recent progress in attaining long term operational stability with PSCs based on inorganic hole conductors will be discussed.
About the Speaker:
Graetzel教授在太陽能利用的多個領域都做出了傑出貢獻,包括染料敏化太陽能電池、鈣钛礦太陽能電池、光分解水制氫、二氧化碳還原制備燃料等。他曾榮獲了Millennium Technology Prize(千年技術獎,技術領域最高獎,芬蘭總統親自授獎)、Marcel Benoist Prize(瑞士聯邦主席親自授獎)、Balzan Prize、Global Energy Prize、King Feisal International Science Prize、 Albert Einstein World Award of Science、Faraday Medal、 Harvey Prize、ENI-Italgas Energy-Prize等多項國際大獎。