題目 : The Lee Code- Scaling Laws, Radiative Collapse & PFQ1
時間: 2018年11月5日(星期一) 上午 9:30--11:00
地點: 西主樓二區203
内容: The talk has an introductory part which presents briefly the development, usage and results of the Lee Code. The basis of the code is also presented. The insights derived from the code in its recent extension to frontier areas are then summarised including the following: comprehensive scaling laws, radiative cooling and collapse of the plasma focus pinch and current work using throughput considerations to guide numerical experiments towards a breakeven plasma focus the PFQ1.
聯系人: 張貴新
Lee Sing received Ph D from the Australian National University. He was:
1.Professor of Applied Physics and headed Research Groups in Plasma and Pulse Technology and the Physics Department at University of Malaya ; conferred Emeritus Professor
2.Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at Juelich Nuclear Research Centre, Germany
3.Commonwealth Fellow at the Imperial College, London
4.Visiting Professor and UNU Special Fellow (86-87) at Flinders University, Australia.
5.Founder President of the Asian African Association for Plasma Training (AAAPT) 1986-2004 and Associate Director of the AAAPT Research and Training Center at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Visiting Professor IOP CAS (2000-2003)
6.Far East Representative of the ICTP, Italy & Director of the ICTP Spring College in Plasma Physics (1989-1997)
7.Founder Member & Council Member of ICDMP Warsaw, Poland.
8.Head of the Physics and Natural Sciences (1992-2000), and retired as Professor of Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education (NTU.NIE), Singapore