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bevictor伟德官网電機系 研究員 IEEE Fellow






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bevictor伟德官网電機系研究員,IEEE Fellow,入選國家級人才項目,信息能源教育部-中國移動聯合實驗室(籌)主任,能源互聯網領域知名專家,國家能源局中國能源互聯網發展戰略研究課題組首席科學家,國家能源局能源互聯網行動計劃預研課題組負責人,國家科技重大專項首席科學家,德國慕尼黑工業大學(TUM)Global Visiting Professor,雲儲新能源創始人,曾任美國Univerisity of Nebraska-Lincoln終身教授。慈松博士長期從事複雜系統建模、控制與優化理論及其在信息互聯網和能量互聯網大規模儲能領域應用技術的研究,迄今已在上述領域發表論文350餘篇,150餘項專利申請,主持承擔多項國家級科研項目,是多個國際頂級期刊的編委或特邀編委,多個會議的技術程序委員會主席或委員。慈松博士在國際上首先提出數字能量處理與計算的理論和方法,并将之成功應用于電池儲能領域,主持研發了國際上第一個基于動态可重構電池網絡的數字儲能系統,徹底實現了電池本體和電池應用的解耦,從根本上解決了電池儲能系統的安全性和經濟性及梯次利用等行業痛點問題,是信息-能源交叉領域的颠覆性技術,為構建未來能源互聯網新型數字能量基礎設施提供了理論和技術上的支撐。


2019年7月-至今 bevictor伟德官网電機系研究員,信息能源教育部-中國移動聯合實驗室(籌)主任

2006年8月-2019年7月 美國University of Nebraska-Lincoln, ECE Department, iUbiquitous Computing Founding Director

2009年9月-2019年9月 美國University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Tenured Associate Professor of Computer Engineering

2006年9月-2009年9月 美國University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering

2005年8月-2006年8月 美國University of Massachusetts Boston, Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Computer Science

2002年8月-2005年6月 美國University of Michigan-Flint, Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Computer Science

2001年1月-2001年9月 美國3COM Corporation, Wireless Connectivity Division, R&D Engineer




2021年,日内瓦國際發明博覽會 金獎

2013年,論文《能源互聯網重要基礎支撐:分布式儲能技術的探索與實踐》,入選中國科學技術信息研究所評選的“領跑者5000—中國精品科技期刊頂尖論文 (F5000)

2010年,IEEE GLOBECOM 傑出服務獎

1、 縱向項目

 序号 項目起止時間 項目類别 項目名稱

[1].2022.01-2025.12 國家自然科學基金聯合基金 面向可持續ICT的信息能量深度融合機理和關鍵技術研究

[2].2021.01-2023.12 國家自然科學基金 基于人工智能的自主通信網絡研究

[3].2019.09-2022.12 教育部-中國移動科研基金 “信息能源“建設項目

[4].2020.07-2022.12 内蒙古自治區重大科技專項 梯次利用動力電池規模化工程應用關鍵技術

[5].2018.12-2022.11 國家重點研發計劃 退役動力電池異構兼容利用與智能拆解技術

[6].2017.07-2021.06 國家重點研發計劃 高安全高比能锂離子電池系統的研發與集成應用

[7].2015.01-2016.12 國家科技重大專項 移動内容分發網CDN技術研究與實驗

[8].2013.01-2015.12 國家科技重大專項 面向移動互聯網的網絡協同及融合體系與關鍵技術研究

[9].2012.01-2014.12 國家科技重大專項 TD-LTE系統中認知無線電技術研究與驗證

[10].2011.01-2013.12 國家科技重大專項 寬帶多媒體集群系統技術驗證

[11].2010.01-2012.12 國家科技重大專項 新型寬帶移動IP承載網架構研究、關鍵技術研發與試驗驗證

[12].2010.01-2012.12 國家科技重大專項 面向重點行業應用的寬帶無線多媒體接入系統開發與示範應用

[13].2010.01-2012.12 科技部科技支撐項目 未來移動通信泛在業務與應用研究

[14].2010.01-2012.12 國家科技重大專項 面向IMT-Advance跨層優化技術

[15].2009.05-2010.12 國家863重點項目 一種面向用戶服務質量的适應動态頻譜資源共享的傳輸層與應用層新技術研究

[16].2009.01-2010.12 國家科技重大專項 IMT-A新型寬帶無線資源管理

[17].2009.01-2010.12 國家科技重大專項 面向WRC-11的頻譜有效利用關鍵技術研究與驗

[18].2011.08-2014.07 國家自然科學基金重點項目 中日韓A3計劃項目-面向下一代互聯網的超臨場感聲通信研究

[19].2010.01-2012.12 國家自然科學基金面上項目 一種全新的動态網絡行為認知模型及其在異構網絡資源分配中的應用

2、 橫向項目

序号 起止時間 項目類别 項目名稱

[1]. 2021.08-2023.06 中國長江三峽 大規模先進電力儲能關鍵技術研究及示範

[2]. 2021.09-2022.12 中國長江三峽 烏蘭察布源網荷儲一體化關鍵技術研究與示範應用項目

[3]. 2020.09-2021.12 國家電網總部科技項目 面向5G的信息能源融合技術與裝備研制

[4]. 2018.01-2019.12 國家電網總部科技項目 基于分布式/移動儲能的配電網靈活性提升技術研究及應用

       [5]. 2018.01-2018.12 中國移動重大技術創新示範項目 适用于大規模部署的分布式軟件定義數字電池系統


       [1]. Haohong Wang, Lisimachos Kondi, Ajay Luthra, Song Ci. 4G Wireless Video Communications, John Wiley & Sons,2019.4.

       [2]. 孫宏斌, 慈松等, 能源互聯網,科學出版社,2020.4.

       [3]. 李麗,來小康,慈松等. 動力電池梯次利用與回收技術, 科學出版社, 2020.8.


[1]. Shuaiqi Shen, Chong Yu, Kuan Zhang, Jianbing Ni, Song Ci. Adaptive and Dynamic Security in AI-Empowered 6G: From an Energy Efficiency Perspective[J]. IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, 2021, 5(3): 80-88.

[2]. Tsuyoshi Oji, Yanglin Zhou, Song Ci* , Feiyu Kang , Xi Chen , Xiulan Liu. Data-Driven Methods for Battery SOH Estimation: Survey and a Critical Analysis. Ieee Access, 2021. 9: p. 126903-126916.

[3]. Shen S, Yu C, Zhang K, et al. Adaptive Artificial Intelligence for Resource-constrained Connected Vehicles in Cybertwin-driven 6G Network[J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021.

[4]. Zhouyang Lin, Kai Li*, Yang Yang, Fanglei Sun, Liantao Wu, Panpan Shi, Song Ci, Yong Zuo. DRESIA: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Enabled Gray Box Approach for Large-Scale Dynamic Cyber-Twin System Simulation. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, 2021. 2

[5]. Ning Zhang, Haiyang Jiang, Yaowang Li, Pei Yong, Mingxuan Li, Huan Zhu, Song Ci, Chongqing Kang. Aggregating Distributed Energy Storage: Cloud-Based Flexibility Services From China. Ieee Power & Energy Magazine, 2021. 19(4): p. 63-73.

[6]. Pei Yong, Ning Zhang*, Qingchun Hou, Yuxiao Liu, Fei Teng, Song Ci, Chongqing Kang. Evaluating the Dispatchable Capacity of Base Station Backup Batteries in Distribution Networks. Ieee Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021. 12(5): p. 3966-3979.

[7]. Chen Guo, Song Ci*, Yanglin Zhou, Yang Yang. A Survey of Energy Consumption Measurement in Embedded Systems. Ieee Access, 2021. 9: p. 60516-60530.

[8]. Shuaiqi Shen, Baochang Liu, Kuan Zhang, Song Ci*. Toward Fast and Accurate SOH Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Ieee Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2021. 36(3): p. 2036-2046.

[9]. Shuaiqi Shen, Kuan Zhang, Yi Zhou*, Song Ci. Security in edge-assisted Internet of Things: challenges and solutions. Science China-Information Sciences, 2020. 63(12).

[10]. Consensus Algorithms and Deep Reinforcement Learning in Energy Market: A Review Olamide Jogunola;Bamidele Adebisi;Augustine Ikpehai;Segun I. Popoola;Guan Gui;Haris Gačanin;Song Ci IEEE Internet of Things Journal

[11]. Energy-Aware Joint Clustering and Scheduling for Multicast Beamforming in Cloud-RAN Downlink Yanglin Zhou;Song Ci;Yang Yang; IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

[12]. Kunlun Wang, Youyu Tan, Ziyu Shao, Song Ci, Yang Yang. Learning-based Task Offloading for Delay-sensitive Applications in Dynamic Fog Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2019).

[13]. Yanglin Zhou, Lin Cheng, Song Ci, Yang Yang, Shiqian Ma. A User-Oriented Pricing Design for Demand Response in Smart Grid[J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2019, 2019.

[14]. Yanwei Liu, Jinxia Liu, Antonios Argyriou, Song Ci. MEC-Assisted Panoramic VR Video Streaming Over Millimeter Wave Mobile Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2018, 21(5): 1302-1316.

[15]. Yanwei Liu*; Jinxia Liu; Antonios Argyriou; Song Ci Binocular-Combination-Oriented Perceptual Rate-Distortion Optimization for Stereoscopic Video Coding[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2018, 28(8): 1949-1959.

[16]. Ni Lin&, Song Ci*, Dalei Wu D, Haifeng Guo An Optimization Framework for Dynamically Reconfigurable Battery Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2018, 33(4): 1669-1676.

[17]. Yang Yang, Yang Li, Kai Li, Shuang Zhao, Rui Chen, Jun Wang, Song Ci. DECCO: Deep-learning enabled coverage and capacity optimization for massive MIMO systems[J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 23361-23371.

[18]. Yanwei Liu*; Jinxia Liu; Antonios Argyriou; Song Ci 3DQoE-Oriented and Energy-Efficient 2D plus Depth Based 3D Video Streaming Over Centrally Controlled Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2018, 20(9): 2439-2453.

[19]. Zejue Wang&*, Hongjia Li*, Dan Hu, Song Ci Transmission Adaptation for Battery-Free Relaying[J]. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2018, 17(1): 5.

[20]. Yanwei Liu*; Jinxia Liu; Antonios Argyriou; Song Ci Binocular-Combination-Oriented Perceptual Rate-Distortion Optimization for Stereoscopic Video Coding[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2018, 28(8): 1949-1959.

[21].  Yanwei Liu*; Jinxia Liu; Antonios Argyriou; Song Ci      Cross-layer optimized authentication and error control for wireless 3D medical video streaming over LTE[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2017, 46: 208-218.

3、 國際會議論文選(近5年文章)

[1].C. Guo, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou, K. Zhang and S. Ci, "A Quantitative Study of Energy Consumption for Embedded Security," 2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2021, pp. 1-5.

[2].S. Shen, S Ci, K. Zhang, and X. Liang, “Lifecycle Prediction of Second Use Electric Vehicle Batteries Based on ARIMA Model,” in Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2019 IEEE. IEEE, 2016, pp. 1–6.

[3].H. Li, S. Ci, C. Yang, X. Tan, S. Hou, and Z. Wang. “Moving to Green Edges A cooperative MEC framework to reduce energy demand of clouds,” in Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2019 IEEE. IEEE, 2016, pp. 1–6.

[4].S. Ci, N. Lin, Y. Zhou, H. Li, and Y. Yang, “A new digital power supply system for fog and edge computing,” in 2018 14th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). IEEE, 2018, pp. 1513–1517.

[5].Y. Zhou, S. Ci, H. Li, and Y. Yang, “Designing pricing incentive mechanism for proactive demand response in smart grid,” in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). IEEE, 2018, pp.1–6.

[6].Y. Zhou, S. Ci, N. Lin, H. Li, and Y. Yang, “Distributed energy management of p2p energy sharing in energy internet based on cloud energy storage,” in Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems. ACM, 2018, pp. 173–177.

[7].Y. Xu, Y. Li, C. Song, T. Lin, and F. Chen, “Distributed caching via rewarding: An incentive caching model for icn,” in GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2017, pp. 1–6.

[8].F. Zhang, L. Cheng, S. Ci, R. Huang, and C. Wang, “Concept and analysis of discrete energy internet,” in Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2), 2017 IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1–5.

[9].Y. Zhou, S. Ci, H. Li, and Y. Yang, “A new framework for peer-to-peer energy sharing and coordination in the energy internet,” in Communications (ICC), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2017, pp. 1–6.

[10].N. Lin and S. Ci, “Toward dynamic programming-based management in reconfigurable battery packs,” in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2017 IEEE. IEEE, 2017, pp. 2136–2140.

4、 國内期刊論文選(近5年文章)

[1].慈松,劉前衛,康重慶,楊旸,鐘明,李凱,郭晨.從 信息 能量 基本關系看信息能源深度融合[J].中國電機工程學報,2021,41(07):2289-2297.


[3].慈松,周楊林,王紅軍,石清良.基于可重構電池網絡的數字儲能系統建模與運行控制 基站儲能應用案例研究[J].全球能源互聯網,2021,4(05):427-435




[7].徐睿,肖監,範偉,慈松,叢中笑,李鵬程.儲能式充電樁參與電網需求側響應聯合運行優化. 電力大數據,2019,22(08):8-13.

[8].慈松.數字儲能系統. 全球能源互聯網,2018,1(03):338-347.

[9].劉寶昌,慈松.面向可持續ICT的互聯網化能量管控和運營. 電信科學,2018,34(03):156-161.

[10].慈松,周楊林,林倪.軟件定義可重構電池系統及其應用. 中國材料進展,2017,36(10):694-699.


[12].劉冠偉,張亦弛,慈松,餘占清,曾嵘.柔性電化學儲能器件研究進展. 儲能科學與技術,2017,6(01):52-68.

[13].慈松,李宏佳,陳鑫,王強文.能源互聯網重要基礎支撐:分布式儲能技術的探索與實踐. 中國科學:信息科學,2014,44(06):762-773(入選F-5000)。




IEEE Internet of Things Journal,編委

IEEE-CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (中國電機學會),編委;

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (SCI/EI),編委;

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies (SCI/EI),編委;

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,Special Issue on Quality-Driven Multimedia Communications (SCI/EI),特邀編委;

IEEE Network Magazine Special Issue on Wireless Mesh Networks: Applications, Architectures and Protocols (SCI/EI),特邀編委;

Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (SCI/EI),編委;

International Journal of Security and Communication Networks (SCI/EI),編委;

International Journal of Communications (EI),副總編委;

International Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications,編委;



